Dear St. Stephen’s,
You are encouraged and invited to the observance of Holy Week as we walk with Jesus to the cross and rejoice at the sight of the empty tomb. This year our Lenten season has focused heavily on discipleship and during Holy Week our worship shows us how we will live in the world post-resurrection as followers of Jesus. Beginning Wednesday, we will have daily opportunities to gather, worship and give thanks to God for the gift and wonder of the cross. Below is a list of our service offerings. I pray you will join us for as many as you can, as engaging fully in the sorrow and joy of this week enriches the promises of Easter Day for us all!
A Service of Tenebrae-Wednesday, March 27th, 6pm
This service is one that prepares our hearts and minds for the journey of Holy Week. The name “Tenebrae” comes from the Latin word for “darkness” or “shadows.” Traditionally, this service is a monastic tradition that would be prayed in the nighttime and early morning services of the last three days of Holy Week. While this service can be sung or said in any combination, the series of antiphons, psalms, and readings tell the story of our salvation and God’s triumph over darkness and death in the person of Jesus. This is outwardly symbolized in the lighting and extinguishing of candles.
Today in the Episcopal Church we celebrate this service on Wednesday of Holy Week, only. We do this so the proper liturgies of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday may find their place as the principal services of those days. By drawing upon material from each of the former three offices of Tenebrae, this service provides an extended meditation upon, and a prelude to, the events in our Lord’s life between the Last Supper and the Resurrection.
Maundy Thursday, A Service of Holy Eucharist with Foot-washing-Thursday, March 28th, 6pm
During this service the church tells the story of Jesus’ last gathering with his disciples before he is betrayed and crucified. While this is the night when Jesus shares with us the breaking of bread and blessing of wine, that will become our Eucharistic Feast, the gospel on Maundy Thursday is dedicated to telling the story of how Jesus washes the feet of the disciples. In this act we are given the example of becoming Jesus’ disciples by serving others. This is shown in our liturgy by us all participating in humbling ourselves before each other and sharing in foot-washing. Those who wish to participate will take turns washing each other’s feet.
This service concludes with a celebration of Holy Eucharist from which reserve sacrament is taken for the Good Friday Eucharist and the stripping of the altar. During this act, all ornaments are removed from the altar, including the cross, and the altar is washed.
The Way of the Cross, Friday, March 29th, 11:30 am
This service is an adaptation of the journey pilgrims take through the city of Jerusalem to recount the journey of Jesus through the city on the way to his crucifixion. This service consists of fourteen stations where we pause to tell a different portion of the passion narrative. Weather permitting this service will be held outside and we will journey to different portraits depicting the crucifixion. This service will conclude at the doors of the church. This is immediately followed by a service of Holy Eucharist from the reserve sacrament.
Good Friday Service, Friday, March 29th, 12pm
This service is typically held mid-day in remembrance of the death of Jesus. During this service those participating enter in silence, the Passion Gospel is read, and bread and wine are administered from the reserve sacrament. This service is also punctuated with prayers for the world, those who have not yet heard the Good News of the gospel, and for those who have died.
The Great Vigil of Easter, Saturday, March 30th, 6pm
The early church began this service as a way to joyously end the season of Lent, which is traditionally the period of time in the church when all those seeking baptism or confirmation are prepared to take on these promises to God. It was also a time in the early church when those who had been removed from the community due to sin were restored through a process of repentance and absolution.
This service is one of the most beautiful the church has. This service consists of four parts:
1. The Service of Light.
2. The Service of Lessons.
3. Christian Initiation, or the Renewal of Baptismal Vows.
4. The Holy Eucharist with the administration of Easter Communion.
The service begins outside as we light the new fire that then lights the Paschal Candle, symbolizing the resurrection of Jesus. The new light is processed into a dark sanctuary where it finds its place next to the baptismal font. As the congregation stands in darkness an appointed person chants the Exsultet, which praises God for God’s victory over death. After this, eight lessons are read that tell how God has redeemed his people from the beginning of creation. This portion of the service concludes with a prayer that ends the season of Lent. At this time the sanctuary is illumined and the first service of Easter begins.
As this is traditionally the night where those who prepared for baptism during the season of Lent, if we do not have a baptism taking place, the congregation gathered renews its baptismal vows.
The service concludes with the celebration of the first Eucharist of the Easter Season.
Easter Sunday, March 31st, 9am
Alleluia! The Lord is Risen!
Easter Sunday, while not the first celebration of Easter (see the Easter Vigil), is the first Sunday Eucharist celebrated in the season of Easter. We come together and rejoice at the empty tomb-God’s triumph over death and the grave.
St Stephen's Heathsville
P.O. Box 40, 6807 Northumberland Highway, Heathsville, VA 22473
Church :804-724-4238 Thrift Shop: 804-724-4135