Background and Status
In August, 2024, the previous Rector of St. Stephen's accepted a call for a new position in New York State.
A Discernment Committee was commissioned in late August with the task of searching for a new priest in charge (with intent to convert to Rector). The committee consists of a broadly representative mix of longstanding and more recent members of St. Stephen's: Greg Balchin, Malcolm Cooper, Dee David, Phyliss Jones, Mike Mc Kenney, and Linda St. George.
The Committee has developed a Parish Profile that describes our
strengths and challenges at St. Stephen’s, which is available to review or download below. If you are interested in applying for this position, click here to get more information about the position and how to apply for the position.
During the the search process St. Stephen's is welcoming the Reverend Diane Carroll as a long term "supply" pastor, who will officiate at Sunday worship and be available during the week for consultation and pastoral care. Click here to learn more about Pastor Diane.
St Stephen's Heathsville
P.O. Box 40, 6807 Northumberland Highway, Heathsville, VA 22473
Church :804-724-4238 Thrift Shop: 804-724-4135