Serving Our Local Community
St. Stephen’s Trifles and Treasures Thrift Shop is an important part of the congregation’s community outreach. In addition to being a source of affordable clothing and household items, the Thrift Shop also provides free vouchers for clothing and household items for victims of fire and other disasters in partnership with Warsaw United Methodist Church’s Food Bank Program. Net proceeds from the Thrift Shop are used to help finance St. Stephen’s annual outreach donations to numerous local community organizations.
Most recently we have begun discerning how we may be more supportive and build relationship with those in need in our community. We are developing what we are calling the Friendship Network. At the bottom of this page, please click the action button labeled "The Friendship Network" to learn more.
Giving to our Local Community and Abroad
The community of St. Stephen's has a deep dedication to outreach. We are dedicated to tithing a significant portion of our pledge, plate, and other sources of income to our diocese, our local community, and internationally. Locally we support the
Boys & Girls Club of the Northern Neck
Boys Home of Virginia
Northumberland Red Cross
Free Health Clinic
Hospice of the Northern Neck
Northumberland Public Library
The Link
Healthy Harvest Food Bank
Habitat for Humanity
The Haven Christmas
The Haven
MA Corp - Girls Empowerment Camp Northumberland Family YMCA
Water Ministry
Smith Point Sea Rescue
Mid-County Rescue Squad
Callao Rescue Squad
Callao Volunteer Fire Department
Internationally we support:
ONE Episcopal Millennium
Heifer International
Episcopal Relief & Development
St. John's Bowmanville Discretionary Account Domestic & Foreign Missionary Society
How do we raise funds to support these organizations?
St. Stephen's supports these organizations through our community outreach fundraisers, specifically the Strawberry Festival and Oysters & Oldies Oyster Roast. Please visit our "Get Involved" tab and click on the "support outreach" page to learn more about how to participate in our outreach efforts.
Parishioner Support of these organizations
In addition to monetary support, many of our parishioners volunteer with these organizations, as well as others, offering of their own time, talent, and treasure. If you are interested in learning more about how our parishioner's volunteer and participate in our local community, please click on the link below - "find out more".
St Stephen's Heathsville
P.O. Box 40, 6807 Northumberland Highway, Heathsville, VA 22473
Church :804-724-4238 Thrift Shop: 804-724-4135